
TehranBureau.com is back up

All posting will be back up at TehranBureau.com, and as often as possible via Twitter.


  1. what can we in the US to do help you?

  2. Brave citizens of Iran, we are watching. It is sad our own weak President Obama will not help you. Continue in peaceful protests, and you will prevail.

  3. Though I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with you I will beat heart to heart with the people of IRAN. I just pray that the pressure on our government will motivate them to act.We See you We hear you we won't turn our backs on you even if our Obama lacks spine.

  4. We understand that Obama has already spoken to you with words you heard and have taken to heart. We realize you're a lot smarter than some who post here give you credit for being, and that you don't need yet another American president interferring in your affairs.

  5. It is amazing to see and hear the responses of the American government regarding the coup in Honduras in which not a single drop of blood has been shed. Everyone is outraged, as one must be when an individual overtakes the will of the majority.The UN, pushed by the U.S. has asked for sanctions against the Honduran government demanding the return of the president to the power. The Hoduran president spoke to the UN General assembly yesterday.Did I miss it when the UN spoke against the murdering of the innocent Iranians who sought their God given right? Was I not around when the U.S. demanded the International community to unit against the murderers of the Iranian government?
